CEU Application

Certified Clinical Financial Auditor (CCFA)

Application Overview and Payment Form for CCFA CEUs


Thank you for your interest in providing Continuing Education Units for CCFA. Please complete the application below for approval to submit educational presentations for Continuing Education Units and email to certification@aamas.org

  • You will receive an email from the CCFA Certification Committee after approval of the topic and objectives.
  • The CCFA committee will review submitted applications and respond within 30 days of receiving your application. Please submit materials at least 30 days in advance of date needed.
  • You will be notified of final approval and CEU fee by email from the CCFA Certification Committee. The Fee Schedule for obtaining Continuing Education Units for American Association of Medical Audit Specialists:
Number of CEUsNon-Affiliate FeeAffiliate Fee
1-8 CEUs$100$0
More than 18$300$200

To apply:

An application fee of $200 will apply to any CCFA continuing education unit requests outside of state organizations, AAMAS members and their business affiliates. Application fee will be waived for affiliates and CEUs provided for AAMAS website. Please submit application fee payment with your application.

Please Click Here to download the application


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