AAMAS History

2024 Virtual Conference: Celebrating 30 Years of Learning, Certification, and Volunteering
2023 Louisville, KY Conference Trifecta! Clinical | Coding| Compliance
2022 Virtual Conference: Clinical, Coding, Compliance
2021 Virtual Conference: Clinical, Coding, Compliance
2020 First Virtual Conference: Clinical, Coding, Compliance
2019 San Antonio, TX Twenty Fifth Annual Conference: Back to the Beginning, Off to the Future
2018 Salt Lake City, UT Twenty Fourth Annual Conference: The Frontier of Healthcare Reimbursement
2017 Chicago, IL Twenty Third Annual AAMAS Conference
2016 Myrtle Beach, SC Twenty Second Annual AAMAS Conference
2015 Reno, NV Twenty First Annual AAMAS Conference
2014 St Louis, MO Twentieth Annual AAMAS Conference
2013 Jacksonville, FL Nineteenth Annual AAMAS Conference
2012 Phoenix, AZ Eighteenth Annual AAMAS Conference
2011 Dallas, TX Seventeenth conference, “Blazing Trails Through Medical Audit”
2010 Orlando, FL Sixteenth conference, “Expanding Horizons In Medical Auditing”
Moved the administrative office to Colorado.
2009 Denver, CO Fifteenth conference, “New Heights in Medical Audit”
2008 Anaheim, CA Fourteenth conference, “The Wonderful World of Medical Auditing”
2007 Williamsburg, VA Thirteenth conference, “Revolutionary Trends In Healthcare Reimbursement”
2006 Houston, TX Twelfth conference, “Blasting of to the Future of Healthcare Reimbursement”
2005 Las Vegas, NV Eleventh conference, back to Harrah’s Casino/Hotel.  Conference theme, “Don’t Gamble on Healthcare Costs”.  Welcome reception poolside with “Elvis” entertaining.
2004 Nashville, TN Tenth anniversary conference.  “The Expanding Role of the Medical Auditor”.  Gala reception, with the theme “Denim and Diamonds”, and “Minnie Pearl” as the entertainment.  Over 200 in attendance
2003 San Diego, CA Ninth conference.  “The Art and Science of Medical Audit”.
First recertification year.
Fourth Certification exam, third non-grandfathering exam.
2002 Washington, DC Eighth conference and Washington debut of
AAMAS.  Majority of new Board members elected and appointed.
2001 Ann Arbor, MI Seventh conference.
First non-grandfathering Certification exam.
2000 Scottsdale, AZ Sixth conference.  Over 250 in attendance, largest to date.
NMCCA name changed to AAMAS.
First Certification exam given to those who qualified for grandfathering.
1999 Orlando, FL Fifth conference.  Certification Committee established and process begun.
1998 San Francisco, CA Fourth conference
1997 New Orleans, LA Third conference.  Revised Hospital Bill National Audit Guidelines adopted.  Insurance Commissioner Jim Brown takes guidelines to NAIC for beginning process of adoption of the “Model Act”.
1996 Las Vegas, NV Second conference.  Approximately 135 in attendance.
1995 Atlanta, GA First annual conference.  Approximately 95 attendees.
NMCCA bylaws passed;  Association formed.
First Board of Directors elected.
1994 San Antonio, TX Meeting of states to conference on viability of a National Association.
Steering Committee formed.
Organization named National Medical Cost Containment Association.
TX, CA, AZ, GA, FL were the states represented.


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